Mountain Landscape for Home Nursery - 2019 - Dundee, Michigan

Dimensions: 8’ x 10’ - 80 SF
Medium: Freehand aerosol - Ironlak Sugar spray paint.
Surface: Interior, painted drywall.

Concept: My clients are expecting in the fall of 2019 and desired a nursery mural to add a personal touch and dimensionality to their newborn’s room. The choice of grayscale for this piece was inspired from their wishes to keep their newborn’s gender a surprise until birth. Grayscale is growing in popularity within nurseries for its ability to dismiss societal gender norms of blue and pink. My clients are avid fans of the outdoors and mountain based geography. They desired something appropriate in appearance for a young baby, but mature enough that their child wouldn’t “outgrow“ the typical soft, cartoonish imagery associated with nurseries.